This is just the first iteration of the Launchpad design which is subject to changes and tuning throughout the Open Beta period. So if you're just looking to tweak your game before streaming on Twitch or adjusting a few options before heading into your truck, it can all be done from the launchpad screen. This allows you to change your game settings without even having to load the game.
This applies not only to the Mod Manager but especially to the new addition which we have placed here, Game Options. The profile selected at the top now affects all other options and managers found on the launchpad. Until then, however, you can see that the design has changed quite significantly. The main reason why we are introducing this change is to pave the way for a future addition, which will introduce new features to our games that are accessed through the launchpad.
One of the first things you may notice when you launch Euro Truck Simulator 2 with the 1.39 Open Beta is a redesign of the current launchpad.